A Guide to Winning Google’s Featured Snippet

A Guide to Winning Google’s Featured Snippet


Ever since Google implemented featured snippets, inbound marketers all over the world find it difficult than ever get traffic to their websites.  To make it even harder, Google has announced an update to its featured snippets algorithm recently. However, the update is intended to give fresh contents that are relevant to the search in the featured snippets. 

 “Search is not about answering your questions, it is about discovering,” said Google products manager Michael Galvez.  According to a post on Google’s blog, featured snippets will now include more images and relevant search suggestions. The goal is to remove contents that are out of date and no longer useful. 

Here is how to optimize for featured snippets:- 

Find out what Google users are looking for 

One of the best ways to get into the featured snippet is to understand what people search for and how to answer them through your content. When it comes to SEO, content is the king. So, you need to find the right questions and optimize your content. Investigate which query users are looking for. You can see the question-related queries in Google webmaster tools. The higher your website is in the organic position, the more your chances to get featured in the snippet box. The Albuquerque SEO expert can help you identify your site pages with the highest potential to get featured in the snippet.  

Do keyword research 

Of course, you will be doing it. But, still, you can optimize your keyword research to get into featured snippets too. Serpstat allows seeing which keywords will bring up featured snippets on the search results. So, make use of it. If your website rank higher for a particular keyword, find out if Google brings up featured snippets for those keywords. You can partner with the Albuquerque SEO Company for better results. 

Add a section on your website answering related questions 

Once you find out the questions that people ask in your reach, include a section or more on your page. Then, answer to that question and make it short not more than two lines. Many brands have started taking informational search queries more seriously. Format your content to include tags that are related to the questions people ask. 

Add high-quality images and videos 

People wish to learn visually and that is why photos and videos can help rank for featured snippets. Try to add high-quality images to each section, and it is not hard to do it. Don’t forget the video as well. About 65% of people watch at least three-quarters of a video. Moreover, 59% of executives believe that people are more likely to watch a video if it is combined with text. So, it makes sense to add images and videos that are of high-quality. 

Trying to keep up with Google’s updates can be exhausting unless you are expert in it. So, it is wise to make use of Albuquerque SEO services to boost conversations, drive traffic, and beat your competitor. 

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