Laptops under 300 dollar Research

Laptops under 300 dollar Research


Looking for a laptops is quite an extensive undertaking. Trying to buy a good 2 in 1 laptops under 300 is nearly as complicated as climbing K-2. I was in the market for a good deal on a laptops and that deal was basically to find a laptops under 300 that was a good brand, in excellent working condition with all the fancy functionalities, sturdy and gave me at least 5 years of no trouble work-life. Of course, one can always find umpteen options with the qualities built in that I required, but my prerequisite of a laptops under 300 was not really helping me much.

Feature of Laptops under 300

The moment a shop-keeper heard me say that I would like a laptops under 300 with certain features, he would say “If you are looking for all the features you mention ed we can give you a range of options, but if you are looking for a best 2 in 1 laptops under 300 kindly just go to a second hand shop and get the same – but surely you will not get any of the qualities that you are looking for”. One of the vendors actually laughed at me saying, “Sir, I think you are in the wrong shop – the only laptops under 300 you will ever find is in the toy shop for children”.

However, I wasn’t deterred by these scoffing, pretentious merchants. I had a budget and I had a requirement and that meant come wind or high water I needed to find a laptops under 300. So I lowered some of my expectations. It didn’t really have to be a branded laptops, after all that would probably make me just as hollow as the mocking salesmen. As long as it was in great working condition with the basic functionalities then I should be satisfied. Similarly, at least five years of trouble free work life was probably asking for too much, so that prerequisite went out the window. But yes, it had to be in great working condition and definitely be sturdy enough to withstand knocking around a bit. And of course, it had to be a laptops under 300.

My search on laptops under 300

So I re-entered the market-place with new requisites and searched high and low. Somehow the combinations and permutations of my requirements just couldn’t work out. Either the laptops was sturdy, or in good working condition, or with decent functionality, or it was just a laptops under 300. But sometimes you only find the object of your affection when you have given up the search. A few days ago, I met a close friend of mine who was going abroad on a new job. He was selling his stuff and he also knew of my predicament and actually asked me if I was still in the market for a cheap laptops under 300. And lo and behold I am now in possession of a slightly used Sony Vaio with a market price of at least $1,000 which I bought for $299.50. That’s what I call having your cake and eating it too

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