Factors To Consider When Pricing Bulk Article Writing Jobs

Article Writing Jobs


SEO writing is one freelance writing niche where you can get very busy, very quickly. I’ve been a freelance writer for a long time – since 2015. I started doing SEO copywriting in 2018. I got so busy so quickly when I started writing SEO articles that I had to hire other freelancers within a couple of months.

I divulge all this to say, if you’re a freelance writer and are looking for a growing niche, writing search engine optimized content for businesses is where the opportunities in freelance writing are. I dispense a lot of advice to new/aspiring freelancers. One wrote the following “I need advice” email, which is a nice dilemma for any newbie to have. She said: “I had an SEO firm ask for 500 articles.  Or how do you determine a rate that is fair? Initially, he will charge me my fees, and then mark up the rate to the client so it’s a win/win for all.”

Here is some insight I divulged on how I price bulk SEO writing jobs.

I: The type of content — If it’s content I’m intimately familiar with, e.g., real estate/mortgages, then I’ll consider a lower rate because I know these niches intimately (I was a home loan consultant and a real estate agent in my past professional life). I can write this type of content very easily because I know it so well.

II: Word length of articles – Sometimes a client will say 350 words are fine; others will want 500 word SEO articles, big difference. Generally speaking, anything less than 300-350 words are considered a blog post. And, most clients want articles in the 400-600 word range. Of course, the shorter the article, the better chance a client has of getting a discount with my SEO writing firm.

III: How much research is involved – If you don’t know the subject matter and have to conduct some web research, it can greatly increase the amount of time you spend on one article. So, this is a major factor.

  1. Turnaround time – Does the client want 5 articles or 50 articles in a week? The longer the turnaround time, the better for you as a freelance SEO writer. With short turnaround times for large orders, you practically have to drop everything else to get the order done, so consider this.Do you want to jeopardize the ability to take on work for other clients by serving the needs of just one – even with a large order like this? Something to think about. In order to fulfill the bulk writing job and planning your writing you can always consider writing aid tools such as paraphrasing tools that are available online, these tools will help you speed up your process of writing and get your job done quickly, so if someone is asking a low price for bulk articles then using these tools like duplichecker.com, prepostseo.com and https://paraphrasingtool.site would definitely benefit you.

Remember, when you freelance, time is the commodity you trade for money. So, you must always be maximizing it. These four factors will help you use your time wisely as you grow your SEO article writing business.

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