Home Network Security

How long can you go without using the internet? For many, their worst nightmare is being stuck on a deserted island without an internet connection or contact with the rest of the world. The reality is internet taps into all aspects of modern life. As per statistics, 5.25 billion people have internet access. However, is your internet experience safe? Are you unhappy with your internet service provider? If you are, consider switching to Windstream Communications. With Windstream Kinetic, you can experience the ultimate internet browsing experience. The gaming and video streaming experience will be lag-free. Reach out to their customer service today to find out more. People are now moving towards home automation and smart homes. This entails the introduction ofmore internet-connected devices in your daily life. Therefore, it is important to take home network safety seriously. Keep reading to find a few effective ways to ensure home network security in a hyper-connected digital world. Cybersecurity Threats Some of our daily activities, like making coffee, closing the windows, or even turning on the lights, have become automated. Home devices access the internet connection to make these smart moves. With more devices in your home connected to the internet, it is important to protect your home network. According to statistics, nearly one-third of the computers globally are malware infected. The numbers are a cause ofconcern. Some of the most common cybersecurity include data theft, software virus, phishing, Adware, Spyware, and financial fraud. Choosing the Right Location This may seem like a minor detail, but the location of a Wi-Fi router can make the world of a difference. YourWi-Fi router should be placed in a central position in your house. There are two benefits of this placement. It allows for a stronger internet connection to the devices, as it is accessible to all the house areas. In most cases, the Wi-Fi signal is strong enough to be accessible by people outside your house. If your Wi-Fi router is placed near a window or an exit, the signal might be discoverable by strangers. By placing it in the center, you can reduce the chances of strangers accessing it. If you cannot placethe router at the center of your home due to the layout, place it away from the windows or exits. WI-FI Password and Username Your login credentials are the first line of defense against cybercrime. It is important to set a strong password and change the default login credentials. People tend to set easy passwords to remember them, however, this is a poor choice. Cybercriminals can guess such passwords with ease. Refrain from putting obvious personal information like spouse’s name, birthday, and parent’s name as passwords. Set a unique password that is at least 10-12 letters long. It should have lowercase letters, uppercase letters, symbols, and numbers. Firewall and Wi-Fi Encryption A firewallprevents cybercriminals from accessing your network and prevents them from stealing sensitive information.It serves as a defense mechanism against cybercrime attempts. Wireless routers have afirewall preinstalled in their settings,but it is not turned on by default. Therefore, make sure to navigate your router settings and turn on your firewall after you get a new Wi-Fi router. Monitoring Connected Devices This may seem too obvious to point out, however, it is important to monitor and limit your Wi-Fi access. Do not give Wi-Fi access to people who you do not know. You can create a guest Wi-Fi network for people visiting that ask for a Wi-Fi password, so they can access the internet but do not have access to any shared folders and confidential information. Updated Security Protocols WPA3 is the latest security protocol and it came out in 2018. WPA3 is a mandatory certification for Wi-Fi-connected devices to ensure Wi-Fi security. WPA3 protocol has simplified Wi-Fi security and enhanced internet safety by utilizing the most recent security approaches. It improves on the older WPA2 protocol. If you have not updated your router for a while, it could be running on an older security protocol. It makes you vulnerable to cyber threats. Switch to a newer router to protect your home network and enhance Wi-Fi strength. In Conclusion The security of our home devices is imperative to protect the integrity of their functionality and our private data.Follow the tricks we have mentioned above to help the process. These are simple to follow and not overly technical, so everyone can follow through easily.

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