20 Free Tools and Applications for Digital Marketing 2020

20 Free Tools and Applications for Digital Marketing 2020


Digital marketing needs tools, that is why we have made a list of 20 free tools that every digital marketing expert should use. You can consult “SEO Services Dubai” to get guidelines about the use of tools in digital marketing.

These Tools have been divided into two groups, tools provided by social networks and tools provided by Google. Visit “Digitalmarketing.ae” to keep yourself updated about the use of these tools or you can join “SEO Communities” to check updates.

  1. Facebook Page Manager: Free Marketing Application to Manage Fanpage

This free application to manage social networks is mostly used by the Community Managers and experts in Digital Marketing because within this application you can manage all the fanpages that are within your Facebook account.

In this application, you can track content , publish it, schedule it, view statistics, reply to messages, segment and promote ads, in an orderly manner.

  1. Facebook Ad Manager: Free App to Manage and Make Ads on Facebook and Instagram

This free app allows you to manage campaigns ,create ads, segment them, run them, track them, pause them, see the results, the cost, optimize them, track them and all this in real time, through a personal account on Facebook which must be linked to the advertising account.

If the client wants the marketing expert to manage their accounts, they must assign the administration access through Facebook Ads Manager, also, the expert must accept the invitation, in this way they can manage the client’s advertising accounts.

  1. Facebook Text Overlay Tool: Free Tool that Helps you to Optimize your Ads.

This free tool is everything you need to avoid problems when launching your Facebook ads and reduce error.

You just have to upload your image, wait for the evaluation or Facebook scan and shortly you will have a first filter that will indicate if the image or advertisement meets the minimum required to be accepted by Facebook.

It is important to clarify that it is possible for an ad to comply with everything requested by the tool, but still be disapproved by Facebook.

  1. Facebook Audience Insight: Free Platform that Allows you to Analyze the Audience of your Fan Page and Create Audiences through Segmentation.

This free platform is one of the most useful and little known on Facebook, as it allows you to analyze the universe of a fanpage in a more precise way. You will be able to see the universe of Facebook and see demographic data.

I like the page, places, activities, emotional situation, level of education, among others. You can also save, create and view audiences in a more detailed way in order to carry out a more efficient and better structured campaign.

  1. Instagram Analytics: Measure the Interaction and Result

This free tool for exclusive use for business accounts on Instagram, allows you to analyze in more detail all the performance of your actions on Instagram, in a friendly and easily understood way.

You will be able to see a summary of all the accounts reached , interactions, total followers and all the publications that have been made, create stories and videos in an easy and simple way, as well as the result of the promotions carried out.

  1. Facebook Pixel Helper: Free Application that Allows you to See which Pages use the Facebook Pixel

This free application that is installed in the Google Chrome browser allows you to verify which websites use the Facebook Pixel and what they are measuring, so you can see the behavior of the competition and understand what actions they take with users who visit their website.

  1. ManyChat: Tool that Automates your Messenger Responses [ChatBot]

This marketing tool in its free version allows you to automate Facebook Messenger , SMS and email messages through a chatbot, allowing you to be more efficient in a message campaign and in contacting potential customers of your brand.

These responses can be programmed by levels and through options, which will allow you to resolve contact with potential customers more efficiently, increasing the probability of sales and conversions.

In the paid version you will be able to carry out a number of actions, all of them linked to automatic responses and for a greater number of messages.

  1. MOTT Whatsapp Link Generator: Free Tool to Give Personality to your WhatsApp Messages

This easy-to-use tool allows you to personalize WhatsApp messages and generate a link so that users who click on the link can contact the brand or company quickly and without having to be added.

You can customize an automatic message for users to use to contact you, thus facilitating communication and motivating the potential customer to write to you.

This tool is easy to use and very intuitive, just put the country code, write the message that you would like to be sent to you and click on the generate and go button, your link is ready to be used. Now, if you want the generated link to be shorter, use Bitly and you can take your campaign to another level.

  1. Bitly: Free and Easy to Use to Shorten URL

This free platform allows you to shorten the URL of a website and make it friendly, for this you will only have to log into Bitly with a gmail account, create your username and password automatically, enter the url you want to shorten and apply it, so that in brief gives you a super friendly URL.

It is important to note that this URL will give you statistics on the interaction, as well as the locations, where they were used, either from a social network or a website.

Having the statistics of the actions done by the users will allow you to have a record of all the activities and measure the efficiency of the marketing actions, in order to determine the efficiency and correct the inconsistencies.

  1. Tweetdeck: A Free Tool to Manage Twitter.

This free online tool is a gem that very few know, as it allows you to see trends, messages, publications, mentions, among others, in real time , using very friendly, editable columns and the possibility of changing them according to taste and requirements.

You can post and schedule tweets, which makes this tool very useful for those who like to have everything scheduled, and if you delve a little deeper, you can stay on top of topics of interest based on keywords, in real time, as if it were a trend.

Important: In order to see the search trend for a hashtag or keyword, you must select a trend and when it is loaded in a column, modify the text and apply the filters as necessary.

  1. Google Trends: A Very Useful Free Google Tool

Free utility tool to see keyword search trends around the world and by country, just enter the keyword in the box available and you can see the search trend and how it evolves over time, either in an hour, days, weeks, months or more.

According to the required category or type of search, both on the web, image, news or YouTube. Google Trends has the popular ranking “The year in search”, where it shows the most searched during the year in different categories, such as photography, art, design, politics, music, among others.

  1. Google Analytics: Tool and Free Application to Enhance your Website

This tool and application is free and has one of the most powerful metrics that a website needs to improve its presence in search engines. As it is well said, what is measured can be improved, and it is just what Google Analytics does.

It gives you the sessions that started on your website, how many users were, how many times they returned, what pages they reviewed and the time they stayed, both in the session and on the page, as well as the places, devices, resolution of the screen from where they saw it.

The only thing that you must take into account in order to use this tool is to have a website and have implemented Google Analytics on the website that you want to measure, so that Google can do its job.

  1. Google Search Console: Tool that Analyzes your Website and Helps you to Optimize it

This platform is totally free but to be able to use it you must have implemented it on your website or through Google Analytics.

But once confirmed, you will be able to see at an advanced level how users got to your page or website, what keywords they used to to be able to arrive during a certain time to be able to measure the search trend.

You can also perform actions such as asking Google to forget a page so that it no longer appears in search results. This tool is very helpful to do SEO on a website.

  1. Google Tag Assistant: Free Application that Allows you to Identify the Google Conversion Tag

This application is free but you must install it in your Google Chrome browser, and it allows you to analyze whether a website is using the Google tracking tag to measure conversions and remarketing.

This free tool will allow you to see if your competition applies deep monitoring to its users and if it groups them in order to carry out actions during the searches it performs on Google. The app is non-intrusive and can be easily installed and uninstalled.

  1. PageSpeed ​​Insights: Measure the Efficiency of your Website

This free tool allows you to analyze a website based on scores in order to optimize it , having indicators that allow you to measure efficiency and identify which points should be optimized to achieve a better positioning based on efficiency.

The way the indicators show you is easy to understand, so that it can be optimized based on each of the points mentioned, and from the hand of the project developer, optimize your website and have a better rating on Google.

  1. Google Alerts: A Free and Efficient Application for a Marketing Expert

Free tool that allows you to stay informed of all the topics that really interest you, because here you can enter by keywords all the topics you want to track, the time you want the alert to arrive and Google Alerts will job.

When the indicated time arrives you will receive all the articles that have used the keywords of your interest, keeping you informed of all the world events based on what you selected. A complete success for those of us who like to stay informed.

  1. Canva: Platform and Application Free and Easy to Use with Limited Options

This free platform is essential for those professionals who want to generate content easily and without many complications, for this Canva has many template models, which in their free version meet any design need.

Canva is also a free application that is easy to use and has very useful templates to generate content for social networks, whether it is publications and stories, but if you want to get more out of it, the paid version has more templates and options that could solve the requirement in fanpage design.

  1. MailChimp: The Best Email Marketing Tool

Mailchimp is an email marketing tool that will allow you to send mass emails with announcements , promotions, news, landing pages or landing pages, registrations, which you can manage through a well-structured CRM, which will provide you with the necessary information to measure the results.

  1. Tiny PNG: Free and Very Useful to Optimize your Images.

It is a useful tool that is easy to use and free to optimize the images of a website, page or article, since it allows you to reduce the weight of the images and optimize them so that they load faster, improving the user experience, which leads to having a better Google rating.

You only have to select the image and upload it to Tiny so that the tool compresses them and returns the images with a lower weight, without losing the quality.

  1. We Transfer: The Best Way to Share your Files

This platform in its free version allows you to send files of up to 2 GB , very useful to avoid having to use email storage and thus your clients will be able to receive large files, taking into account that the files sent have an expiration date.

But if you want to save them for a longer time, you can opt for the paid version, where you can have up to 20 GB and the possibility of keeping the download links longer.

  1. Firmick: Measure and Optimize your Fanpage

Firmick is a tool and application that gives you information and quality indicators to improve the performance of your fanpage and your Instagram account.

You just have to log in, give the permissions and see the status of your fanpage through a score, where 100% is optimal and 0% is the lowest you can get.

You will also be able to measure the performance of your publications based on an ROI, which will allow you to understand whether it was a really efficient method and content.

Another interesting option in Firmick is the versus, where you can select two fan pages and measure the efficiency based on performance indicators to know which page has produced better results.

This tool also allows you to measure the efficiency of an account on Instagram and analyze the best posts, obtain hashtag lists, schedule posts and, through its application, reply on Instagram in easy and simple.

Firmick makes efficient reports that you can share with your clients, you just have to log in and try the trial version to be able to take advantage of it.

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