Managed WordPress Hosting vs Self-hosting – Which is better for your site

Managed WordPress Hosting vs Self-hosting


Blogging has become very popular in recent years, and it keeps increasing traction. Since WordPress is the most popular platform of blogs out there on the market, it makes sense that it is on top of the list of each future blogger. However, new bloggers face the question of choosing the right hosting service for their website. Accommodation is essential, especially when you intend to turn your blog into a profitable career.

There are plenty of accommodation options, but let’s focus on what bloggers are most interested – managed WordPress hosting. What led WordPress hosting means is that the hosting provider is solely focusing on improving your WordPress platform? It includes more speed, improved security, more storage space, and so on.

There are thousands of hosting companies worldwide. Hosting companies offer many different packages, and it is unclear which company and which package to select.

In recent years, a new solution has been made available to users of WordPress called Managed WordPress hosting. These managed solutions promise a more efficient service.

In this article, we are going to give you a basic understanding of self-hosting and managed WordPress hosting, and we will also explain the differences between both hosting.

Those of you who are seeking a new hosting company for your WordPress website will find this article useful.

What is Managed WordPress Hosting?

Managed WordPress hosting can handle basic administrative tasks, such as installing WordPress, security, speed, WordPress updates, daily backup, website uptime, and scalability.

Managed WordPress hosting plans, already involved configuration. You should not be confused with it yourself (DIY-plans) that allow you to install WordPress, which include some WordPress installation script. The main objective of Managed WordPress hosting is to simplify as many technical issues as possible continuously.

The main advantage of this technical simplification is the peace of mind and time savings. Compared to another, hosting managed WordPress hosting offers more features at a higher price. The demand for these services can seem in the rapid rise of many WordPress hosting companies.

Features of Managed WordPress Hosting:

Automatic Updates- Software updates are essential for the smooth operation of your website. Managed hosting update your software automatically and regularly to ensure that your website performs accordingly.

With automatic updates, you reserve the right to the latest features, bug fixes, and security patches that will make your website run smoother than before. Furthermore, every update that’s made available will be automatically implemented, and you won’t have to do anything on your own.

Automatic Backups- Due to the popularity of WordPress, you can make the specialized backup process faster, more reliable, and more efficient. Also, the hosting provider who makes regular backups makes your site easier to recover if things go wrong. Your hosting provider makes daily backups that can be easily used because the hosting provider is in the ideal position to understand the fixed structure of WordPress.

Automatic WordPress setup- It is a feature that allows you to obtain and running with a new WordPress site in seconds. When you need a new website, then WordPress complete installation is automatically created. All you need to do is fill out a short form with some admin and site details.

Staging the environment-This is an excellent feature for developers or site managers. A staging environment starts as a perfect copy of your existing site, which is only accessible to you personally and is super handy for testing out new plugins/themes or updating/modifying code before applying any changes to your live site.

Pros and cons of managed WordPress hosting:


  • Handle performance optimization to keep your site running fast all the time.
  • It configures your server to meet your needs if you are on a VPS or dedicated plan.
  • Offering staging sites to help you safely test the changes and updates.
  • It provides plenty of support options to answer your questions.
  • It Keeps the updates for you and makes frequent backups of your site for safekeeping.
  • Scan your site for security threats, and react quickly to deal with problems that arise.


  • Worry-free comfort and features of managed hosting account come at a higher cost.
  • You will have less control of managed hosting because the goal is to provide all-in-one experience; you lose a certain measure of control over the management of the site.
  • The update does not always go smoothly, while it is always recommended that your WordPress website using the latest and highest version, there is the possibility that the update will cause problems.

How to decide whether you need managed WordPress hosting or other?

There are two key elements to think on:

Budget and needs- You can choose the plan will only be successful if you can afford it. While most options are not exorbitantly expensive, they involve a significant initial investment.

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